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Magda Ropotan Magda Ropotan

  • Publish Date: 12-May-17

I believe in people, in the power of putting together their beautiful minds, in the learning gained from building deep empathy with the customer and understanding their world and the changes around. When given focus, structure and trust, innovation…

I believe in people, in the…

Red Zezel Red Zezel

  • Publish Date: 12-May-17

Red Zezel guides you on your innovation path. We show you how creativity can result in the creation of new products, services or business models. We explore with you the innovation path. We facilitate the FORTH Innovation method. FORTH is an inspiring…

Red Zezel guides you on your…

XL family XL family

  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

XL family – We bring future to your business. We are a blend of young, fierce explorers with a passion for innovation. We are the techies, the creatives, the developers, the designers and the marketers who break barriers and embrace tomorrow.  What…

XL family – We bring future to…


  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

We serve forward focused leaders and boards with growth and development through smarter Branding, Innovation and Performance. IAM INNOVATION  Business Development, Strategy and Innovation – help leaders in their efforts to develop new areas of business…

We serve forward focused…

Norway   28-April-17 IAM

Pioneerz Pioneerz

  • Publish Date: 26-April-17

Pioneerz is all about developing the PioneerzSociety.  The future society where a new balance is reached between initiating, enabling, investing and regulating people and organisations.  A new balance between human & venture capital and an improved…

Pioneerz is all about…

AYMING - Innovation Performance Consulting AYMING - Innovation…

  • Publish Date: 14-April-17

You innovate. We help you finance it.   The Europe 2020 Strategy aims to make the EU the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economic centre in the world and to achieve the target of investing 3% of the GDP in R&D. Therefore, stimulating R&D is…

You innovate. We help you…

KreaNova KreaNova

  • Publish Date: 05-March-17

KreaNova : Creating Innovation

KreaNova : Creating Innovation

Strategyzer - Business Model Innovation Strategyzer - Business Model…

  • Publish Date: 18-February-17

The inventors of the Business Model Canvas. Your business model on one page : A global standard used by millions of people in companies of all sizes. You can use the canvas to describe, design, challenge, and pivot your business model. It works in…

The inventors of the Business…

Ars Et Inventio Ars Et Inventio

  • Publish Date: 18-February-17

We feed the creativity already present within the company’s innovation ecosystem through a continuous process of idea generation (INVENTIO) in order to bring innovation to all aspects of the business model (products, services, processes, markets and…

We feed the creativity already…

brightcon brightcon

  • Publish Date: 18-February-17



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