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TREE - Innovation Management Consulting TREE - Innovation Management…

  • Publish Date: 01-June-17

TREE helps companies, startups and people make innovation happen. Offices in Catania, Bologna, Milano, Roma, and Trento. TREE è una PMI innovativa che realizza prodotti e servizi di formazione e innovazione rivolti a imprese ed enti pubblici al fine di…

TREE helps companies, startups…

GPG Advisers GPG Advisers

  • Publish Date: 23-May-17

We help you discover customer unsatisfied needs, develop a proper strategy, create a culture of innovation and involve employees, partners and clients in generating ideas and implementing projects to place you before your competition and increase revenues…

We help you discover customer…

Finn Kollerup Tangible Innovation Finn Kollerup Tangible…

  • Publish Date: 13-May-17

Systematic innovation that creates change and measurable results Tangible Innovation  Results With us on board on your innovation project, we guarantee that you will get results – because we have 20+ years of experience, and because our methods are…

Systematic innovation that…

Projectyzer Projectyzer

  • Publish Date: 12-May-17

Strategy and Innovation Management Consulting. Certified Facilitator for the FORTH Innovation Methodology.

Strategy and Innovation…

Serendipity Innovation Serendipity Innovation

  • Publish Date: 12-May-17

We are especialised in helping companies embrace innovation in their business model in order to become competitive and achieve better results.  According to Wikipedia, “Serendipity means a “fortunate happenstance” or “pleasant surprise” produced when…

We are especialised in helping…

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