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Netherlands Nino van de Wal
28-April-17 187 Hits

XL family – We bring future to your business.

We are a blend of young, fierce explorers with a passion for innovation. We are the techies, the creatives, the developers, the designers and the marketers who break barriers and embrace tomorrow. 

What drives us forward is raising ideas that make a difference and deliver real value. The ideas that go beyond a product or a service. The game-changers. The brave, risky, daring ideas that get people talking and light-up entrepreneurial spirits. 

 We bring together thinkers, doers and dreamers in an active pursuit of progress. We guide and empower our clients in their entrepreneurial endeavors, elevating ideas from concept to market. Together, we explore opportunities, deliver innovation and build tomorrow.

Karspeldreef 8, 1101 CJ Amsterdam-Zuidoost

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For new business inquiries, please send an email to [email protected] or use the website's contact tool. About:  Nino van de Wal advises managers on organizational design for corporate entrepreneurship and innovation (i.e., organizational… Netherlands

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