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Nino van de Wal advises managers on organizational design for corporate entrepreneurship and innovation (i.e., organizational processes, structure, systems, leadership and culture) and ways to pursuit future growth and new business opportunities (i.e., organic growth, alliances or acquisitions).
Some of the management consulting projects he has been involved in are:
- Philips: What is the role of leadership during mergers and organizational change?
- Deloitte & AMS: How to design an innovative organization? (
- Pirelli & Formula 1: How to successfully manage R&D in accelerated processes?
- Nestlé: How structure the organization to encourage and drive external collaboration and open innovation?
- Bain&Co: Strategies for entering new markets abroad? Kaneka: How to drive internal traffic to our already existing Ideation?
- CERN: How to create and capture value through open innovation?
- BBVA: How to engage start-ups, multinationals, universities and governments to capture knowledge flows and technologies under development to create value?
Nino van de Wal is a PhD researcher in Strategy & Innovation at University of Antwerp. He received a Master's degree (Cum laude) in Organization Studies from Tilburg University and studied at Bocconi University to specialize in the Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology.
He can apply his analytical thinking and research skills in various business environments.
The question that drives Nino is: Why do firms show substantial differences in their innovation and entrepreneurial success?
Antwerpen, prinsstraat 13
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