Our Curator for the Netherlands is Nino van de Wal.

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Join our cross-industry summit Unleashing Innovation 2017 and gain an unparalleled opportunity to discover useful insights from the most outstanding corporate innovation leaders. This is our 12th edition of this event and we are bringing you a dynamic…
Join our cross-industry summit…
Startdate: 19-June-17
Enddate: 20-June-17
Innovator, IT Change Delivery Manager, Creating Cool Online/ Digital Stuff
Innovator, IT Change Delivery…
Aimforthemoon is a startup studio, a company that creates companies – connecting and evolving a generation of entrepreneurs & corporate innovators. We’ve created a community in which we unite and strengthen the best of both worlds. The versatility and…
Aimforthemoon is a startup…
Somnox is the first non-medicinal solution in the form of a soft robotic friend that actively helps you sleep. Somnox enables you to fall asleep more easily, experience more deep sleep and wake up more energized. How does Somnox do that, you wonder? Let…
Somnox is the first…
The incubator for student entrepreneurs of the TU/e.
The incubator for student…
theGROUNDS is a joint innovation platform for sustainable airports by Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Delft University, Wageningen University, Imtech and TNO
@theGROUNDS, innovators meet and cooperate to invent and create the aviation industry of the future.…
theGROUNDS is a joint…
Mercator Incubator Nijmegen is the help desk and information center for these companies, organizes incubator activities and provides information on advice, training, workshops, facilities and projects for knowledge-intensive businesses.
Mercator Incubator Nijmegen is…
We offer a research-based business development programme for technology-based startups and are a business growth accelerator for well-established high-tech companies. Our approach jump-starts and provides sustainable growth for long-standing companies and…
We offer a research-based…
We are the community of digital professionals. People that design, build and deliver digital experiences.
eBrella is part of Dept, which is an international network of leading digital agencies. The heart and mind of your digital business.
We are the community of…
World Trade Center Twente supports the development of international trade and business opportunities in Twente region. The WTC Twente Business Club provides a business support environment to share experience and knowledge from every sector. We offer a…
World Trade Center Twente…
YEAH! Helps entrepreneurs since 2005 to launch and renew businesses, products and services. It all started as YEAH! Incubator in the Media Center, a breeding ground for ambitious startups. In 2012 we moved to the inner city of Groningen, where we found…
YEAH! Helps entrepreneurs…
YES!Delft helps entrepreneurs to build and grow leading technology companies Our programs turn promising technology ideas and teams into solid startups and grow them to successful companies. YES!Delft offers guidance and support to graduates, scientists,…
YES!Delft helps entrepreneurs…
We believe that entrepreneurship in Digital Health contributes to affordable and accessible high-quality care. Therefore, zorgInc. activities focus on the up-scaling of startups through sharing knowledge, experiences, and networks, and building bridges…
We believe that…
Holland Food Ventures (HFV) invests in entrepreneurs and companies in the food industry that want to bring new and innovative technologies/products to the markets. HFV could be your catalyst for successful market entry.
Holland Food Ventures (HFV)…
New Energy Docks is an active community of practice that markets sustainable solutions. Products and services that enable other companies, institutions and individuals to shape their way of working and life more sustainable. Not only by selling those…
New Energy Docks is an active…
Pivot Park offers companies a high-end pharma R&D infrastructure, which provides the opportunity to accelerate, grow and excel in development of new medicines. When working at Pivot Park you’re automatically part of an active, innovative pharma R&D…
Pivot Park offers companies a…
Rotterdam Internet Valley is the ICT startup accelerator of the port city of the Netherlands. We help accelerate innovative startups and meet their ambitions. With us, you get a push in the back and reduce thresholds so that you can successfully market…
Rotterdam Internet Valley is…
StudentsInc is de plek waar je kan ondernemen naast je studie en waar je de ruimte en ondersteuning krijgt bij het ontwikkelen van je eigen bedrijf en waar je je ondernemerschaps kennis en vaardigheden kan aanscherpen. Je maakt bij StudentsInc deel uit…
StudentsInc is de plek waar je…
Business Generator promotes the translation, or value creation, of knowledge into problem solving solutions, through providing support in idea evaluation, knowledge protection, licensing, generation of partnerships and entrepreneurship. The specific…
Business Generator promotes…
Stichting StartersCentrum Limburg is het eerste aanspreekpunt voor startende ondernemers en zzp’ers in Limburg. Het StartersCentrum ondersteunt iedereen die een eigen bedrijf wil starten en adviseert ondernemers die startproblemen ondervinden. Dit wordt…
Stichting StartersCentrum…