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Netherlands admin
04-May-17 1502 Hits

Aimforthemoon is a startup studio, a company that creates companies – connecting and evolving a generation of entrepreneurs & corporate innovators. We’ve created a community in which we unite and strengthen the best of both worlds. The versatility and execution power of entrepreneurs – and the power and resources of mature companies. Together we create new products and services, building teams and growing them as independent, purpose-driven organizations. 

We connect entrepreneurs and corporate innovators, and together we create new products and services, building teams to grow them as independent, purpose-driven companies.

Startups we co-founded with our community of entrepreneurs & corporate partners: nlgroeit (with Ministry of Economic Affairs & Chamber of Commerce), Pension advisor (with Independer), Thormas (with ERIKS), Mooie Boules (with Heineken, Grolsch & Vrumona), Trexcar (confidential), Databrew (with Microsoft), 360 Datasense (with Kirkman Company), Moonshot Stories (with Chivas Regal & Rabobank), The Venture NL (with Chivas Regal), Experience (with Aimforthemoon), Skylab (with Vlerick Business School), Energy Comparison Platform (with Independer), Nationale Groeimasterclass (with nlgroeit), Abbot Kinney’s (community), Tosti Creative (community), NLevator (with Ministry of Economic Affairs), Voiila (confidential), Lean Startup Machine Amsterdam (with LSM Global), No Guts No Story, Kickstartup (with multiple partners), The Green Village (with TU Delft), TWO-O (community), Social Dining (with RTL Ventures), and many more. 

Other corporate partners we work with: PostNL, Volksbank,, SHV, Robeco, eBay, Siemens, ABN Amro, DSM, Emesa, RDC, Stage Entertainment, Nationale Nederlanden, Pernod Ricard, and many more.

Reguliersdwarsstraat 50 1017 BM, Amsterdam The Netherlands

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