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Italy admin
18-February-17 209 Hits

We feed the creativity already present within the company’s innovation ecosystem through a continuous process of idea generation (INVENTIO) in order to bring innovation to all aspects of the business model (products, services, processes, markets and technologies). 

 We convert this wealth of ideas into an original and effective methodology (ARS) and an extensive set of tangible instruments for transforming ideas into value. 

 We draw on the more than 80 tools we have gathered and tested over the years, through the study of numerous “maestros,” about 150 creative groups and over 200 of the most innovative companies in the world.

Via Sicilia, 43 00187 Rome, Italy

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TREE - Innovation Management Consulting

TREE helps companies, startups and people make innovation happen. Offices in Catania, Bologna, Milano, Roma, and Trento. TREE è una PMI innovativa che realizza prodotti e servizi di formazione e innovazione rivolti a imprese ed enti pubblici al fine di… Italy

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