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Belgium admin
12-May-17 202 Hits

Red Zezel guides you on your innovation path. We show you how creativity can result in the creation of new products, services or business models. We explore with you the innovation path.

We facilitate the FORTH Innovation method. FORTH is an inspiring innovation method to create attractive innovative products and services with great internal support with a multidisciplinary team.

We are your partner to design, develop and facilitate your brainstorm, gamestorm, co-creation or design thinking session.

We have quite some experience in in-company training and academic teaching. Here’s just a glimpse of the courses for which you can contact us.

Give us a call and we will be happy to work out an inspiring, highly energetic and passionate keynote on creativity and innovation to get you started.

Elewijtsesteenweg 85 B - 1980 Eppegem, Belgium

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