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Flanders Smart Hub Flanders Smart Hub

  • Publish Date: 15-March-17

Flanders Smart Hub, gateway to European knowledge  Flanders Smart Hub is a concentration of tech clusters in Belgium. It is the intellectual home of eight Belgian Nobel Prize winners, including the co-discoverer of the Higgs boson. Our hallmark…

Flanders Smart Hub, gateway to…

BlueHealth Antwerp BlueHealth Antwerp

  • Publish Date: 14-March-17

Unique collaboration  In and around the city of Antwerp, the growth potential for eHealth is huge. The city has more than 4,000 hospital beds across different hospitals and there are more than 20 healthcare facilities active. BlueHealth Antwerp seeks to…

Unique collaboration  In and…

KreaNova KreaNova

  • Publish Date: 05-March-17

KreaNova : Creating Innovation

KreaNova : Creating Innovation


  • Publish Date: 05-March-17

GreenWin, innovation accelerator in the environmental sector, is one of the 6 Walloon (Belgium) competitive clusters which aims to tackle major technological challenges.  GreenWin supports innovation and promotes the development of collaborative R&D…

GreenWin, innovation…


  • Publish Date: 05-March-17

Exnovate is a non-profit platform for companies and knowledge intensive organizations that are practicing open and collaborative innovation.  In particular, it serves as center of excellence for managing open innovation in different types of…

Exnovate is a non-profit…

VIGC - Flemish Innovation Center for Graphic Communication VIGC - Flemish Innovation…

  • Publish Date: 05-March-17

Flemish Innovation Center for Graphic Communication

Flemish Innovation Center for…

DSP Valley DSP Valley

  • Publish Date: 05-March-17

DSP Valley is an independent cluster of excellence in smart electronic systems and embedded technology solutions. DSP Valley groups 100+ members: universities, research institutes and companies, from small start-ups, over SMEs to large international…

DSP Valley is an independent…

  • Publish Date: 05-March-17

Innoviris, the Brussels Institute for Research and Innovation.  Innoviris is the Brussels Institute for the encouragement of scientific research and innovation.  Our mission is to support and stimulate research, development and innovation in and for…

Innoviris, the Brussels…

Flanders DC Flanders DC

  • Publish Date: 02-March-17

Flanders DC, or Flanders District of Creativity, is the single point of contact for entrepreneurs in the creative industries. After the merger with Design Flanders and Flanders Fashion Institute, we are ideally placed to serve the entire sector’s needs.…

Flanders DC, or Flanders…

Förderberatung "Forschung und Innovation" des Bundes Förderberatung "Forschung und…

  • Publish Date: 01-March-17

The German Federal Funding Advisory Service on Research and Innovation is the central point of contact for any questions concerning research and innovation funding. The centre informs potential applicants about the federal research structure, funding…

The German Federal Funding…

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