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Belgium admin
14-March-17 118 Hits

Unique collaboration 

In and around the city of Antwerp, the growth potential for eHealth is huge. The city has more than 4,000 hospital beds across different hospitals and there are more than 20 healthcare facilities active. BlueHealth Antwerp seeks to link this extensive stock of patient data with the innovative ideas of young entrepreneurs. A 'living lab' where the legal boundaries of privacy remain constantly monitored. 

BlueHealth Antwerp: a breeding ground for an innovative economy 

BlueHealth coaches startups from their business plan to the moment they secure their first customers. This is done by transfer of knowledge and expertise, financial support and the development of a network. A study of the city of Antwerp showed that the eHealth industry has a need for networking, matchmaking, incubation and acceleration. That is where BlueHealth Antwerp comes in. In the long term, this partnership within eHealth should give entrepreneurship a shot in the arm. 


BlueHealth Antwerp works from StartupVillage, which opened in early 2016 by the City of Antwerp to accommodate and coach incubation initiatives and growth companies. Via open calls, new startups are invited each year to sign up to the new incubation programs.

Lange Gasthuisstraat 29-31, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium

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