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Belgium admin
15-March-17 128 Hits

Flanders Smart Hub, gateway to European knowledge 

Flanders Smart Hub is a concentration of tech clusters in Belgium. It is the intellectual home of eight Belgian Nobel Prize winners, including the co-discoverer of the Higgs boson. Our hallmark technologies focus on health, food, logistics, cleantech, media and creative industry.

Knowledge region 

Flanders Smart Hub is a knowledge region in the centre of Belgium encircling Brussels, the capital of the European Union. The local economy relies more on intellectual capacity than on natural resources or physical inputs. To illustrate, 56% of the population works in science and technology with innovative companies mainly concentrated in five clusters or Smart Hubs. These pools of talent and bright ideas have such an agglomeration effect, they can even be seen from space!

Provincieplein 1 3000 Leuven, Belgium

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