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The Research Council of Norway The Research Council of Norway

  • Publish Date: 05-May-17

The Research Council of Norway serves as the chief advisory body for the government authorities on research policy issues, and distributes roughly NOK nine billion to research and innovation activities each year. The Research Council works to promote…

The Research Council of Norway…

Innovation Norway Innovation Norway

  • Publish Date: 05-May-17

Innovation Norway is the Norwegian Government's most important instrument for innovation and development of Norwegian enterprises and industry. We support companies in developing their competitive advantage and to enhance innovation.

Innovation Norway is the…

Aim for the Moon Aim for the Moon

  • Publish Date: 04-May-17

Aimforthemoon is a startup studio, a company that creates companies – connecting and evolving a generation of entrepreneurs & corporate innovators. We’ve created a community in which we unite and strengthen the best of both worlds. The versatility and…

Aimforthemoon is a startup…

Startup Eindhoven Startup Eindhoven

  • Publish Date: 03-May-17

The incubator for student entrepreneurs of the TU/e.

The incubator for student…


  • Publish Date: 03-May-17

theGROUNDS is a joint innovation platform for sustainable airports by Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Delft University, Wageningen University, Imtech and TNO @theGROUNDS, innovators meet and cooperate to invent and create the aviation industry of the future.…

theGROUNDS is a joint…

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