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UtrechtInc UtrechtInc

  • Publish Date: 26-April-17

With ‘us’ we actually mean the UtrechtInc team plus our community  It consists of starting entrepreneurs, graduate entrepreneurs, mentors, experts, young talent and friends.  The highly involved community is one of our most important assets.  We believe…

With ‘us’ we actually mean the…

ECE: Erasmus Center for Entrepreneurship ECE: Erasmus Center for…

  • Publish Date: 26-April-17

Driven by the conviction that entrepreneurship is the primary condition for realising progress, the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE) offers a learning environment where companies become better at entrepreneurship by gaining new insights and…

Driven by the conviction that…

European Business & Innovation Centre Network European Business & Innovation…

  • Publish Date: 26-April-17

EBN werd in 1984 vanuit de Europese Commissie opgericht en door diverse private en publieke stakeholders ondersteund. Doel van het initiatief: het stimuleren van het ontstaan – en de groei van nieuwe innovatieve bedrijven en het stimuleren van regionale…

EBN werd in 1984 vanuit de…

European Institute of Innovation & Technology European Institute of…

  • Publish Date: 20-April-17

One of the main added values of the EIT is to integrate the education dimension into the innovation web, as it has often been absent from the more traditional research-business partnerships. The EIT supports the creation of tomorrow’s entrepreneurs and…

One of the main added values…

[email protected] [email protected]

  • Publish Date: 20-April-17

Got a great idea that needs accelerating to make it happen?  Located centrally in the city and impossible to miss, a great number of startups have found their way to this well-structured incubator, which has numerous mentors and enough access to funding…

Got a great idea that needs…

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