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ALT BRASOV Innovation and Technology Cluster ALT BRASOV Innovation and…

  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

Alt Brasov - Innovation and Technology Cluster was founded in 2013 with the objectives of developing, promoting and supporting innovating industries. These objectives and initiatives will bring added value and generate economic development for Brasov…

Alt Brasov - Innovation and…

National Research, Development and Innovation Office - Hungary National Research, Development…

  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

The National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office) founded by the Act “about scientific research, development and innovation” (Act2014/LXXVI) accepted by the Hungarian Parliament (RDI law) with the aim to "create stable institutional…

The National Research,…

Hungarian Association for Innovation Hungarian Association for…

  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

The Hungarian Association for Innovation as a professional and employer's business federation focuses its activities on the economy stimulating role of innovation. It was established by 30 member institutes in 1990.  MISSION OF THE HUNGARIAN ASSOCIATION…

The Hungarian Association for…


  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

A cool government project that helps Hungarian startups go global ! Our Mission is to create or “bring into position” internationally competitive Hungarian tech startups. The INPUT Program aims to facilitate the transformation and growth of the Hungarian…

A cool government project that…


  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

PBG FMC is a venture capital fund management company in operation since 2011. Our primary goal is to profitably manage capital entrusted to us while furthering the excellent reputation of Hungary. Our majority owner - Portus Buda Group - created the firm…

PBG FMC is a venture capital…


  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

We are the open innovation platform of Budapest, located at BME (Budapest University of Technology and Economics). We believe in a new, practice and action-oriented education that is based on experience and requires a new way of thinking. Together with…

We are the open innovation…

XLABS Hungary XLABS Hungary

  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

xLabs is a dynamic, lively, energetic young company full of enthusiasm. We help our partners get access to the knowledge of the global tech / startup ecosystem throughout events, education and business matchmaking solutions.

xLabs is a dynamic, lively,…

BME Infokom-Innovator Nonprofit BME Infokom-Innovator…

  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

In accordance with market demands  Since our foundation in 2008, we have been carrying out research and development activities that produce marketable results and solutions with real business value, for example a product, technology, an application, or a…

In accordance with market…

BAY Zoltan - Innovation BAY Zoltan - Innovation

  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research. Bay Biotechnology Bay Engineering Bay Smart Intelligent Systems Division Bay Innovation Park

Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for…

Digital Magics Digital Magics

  • Publish Date: 02-June-17

Digital Magics offers innovative startups all the support necessary to develop successful projects, from conception to IPO, and joins the Italian companies of excellence with strategic projects and services for the digital transformation and the "Open…

Digital Magics offers…

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