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Hungary admin
03-June-17 639 Hits

In accordance with market demands 
Since our foundation in 2008, we have been carrying out research and development activities that produce marketable results and solutions with real business value, for example a product, technology, an application, or a service. Our successful reference projects and cooperations with well-known Hungarian companies in telecommunication and informatics sector prove our competence. By tracking changes of market needs and by taking continuous technological innovation into consideration, we strive to make our clients as satisfied as possible. 

Direct cooperation with Budapest University of Technology and Economics 
The organization’s goal is to provide an institutionalized opportunity for students and experts to get acquainted with market demands, so universities, manufacturers, and the whole industrial sector are able to cooperate in a synchronized way in fields of telecommunications and informatics. Besides Infokom employees, many academic researchers and Ph.D. students work on our projects. We offer part-time jobs, internship programs, and project laboratory opportunities for students. On the other hand, our experts actively take part in education at the university. 

Highly qualified experts with practical experience 
Our contributors are highly qualified IT engineers, electrical engineers, engineer economists, software and application developers, graphic and industrial product designers, as well as, researchers with academic degrees and Ph.D students. Our experts possess valuable practical experiences in implementation of various products, like business services for large telecommunication companies, innovative communication solutions for banking systems, and unique hardwares utilizing state-of-the-art radio technologies.

1117 Budapest, Budafoki ut 111., Hungary

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