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Hungary admin
03-June-17 192 Hits

We are the open innovation platform of Budapest, located at BME (Budapest University of Technology and Economics). We believe in a new, practice and action-oriented education that is based on experience and requires a new way of thinking. Together with the student teams and Demola Network we work on real cases, business solutions with talents of various educational fields. Each spring semester we run innovative business projects (see "Cases") , and besides that, we organise and host numerous events, educational activities in the field of technology and innovation with the aim to create a cozy and dynamic working environment.

Egry József street 18. (V1 annex C - Innovation Lab) H-1111 Budapest, Hungary

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Hungarian Association for Innovation

The Hungarian Association for Innovation as a professional and employer's business federation focuses its activities on the economy stimulating role of innovation. It was established by 30 member institutes in 1990.  MISSION OF THE HUNGARIAN ASSOCIATION… Hungary

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