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XLABS Hungary XLABS Hungary

  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

xLabs is a dynamic, lively, energetic young company full of enthusiasm. We help our partners get access to the knowledge of the global tech / startup ecosystem throughout events, education and business matchmaking solutions.

xLabs is a dynamic, lively,…

BME Infokom-Innovator Nonprofit BME Infokom-Innovator…

  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

In accordance with market demands  Since our foundation in 2008, we have been carrying out research and development activities that produce marketable results and solutions with real business value, for example a product, technology, an application, or a…

In accordance with market…

BAY Zoltan - Innovation BAY Zoltan - Innovation

  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research. Bay Biotechnology Bay Engineering Bay Smart Intelligent Systems Division Bay Innovation Park

Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for…


  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

Innovaction Week Pamplona

Innovaction Week Pamplona

Startdate: 14-June-17

Enddate: 15-June-17

Ambassador Netherlands : Nick van Summeren Ambassador Netherlands : Nick…

  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

Innovator, IT Change Delivery Manager, Creating Cool Online/ Digital Stuff

Innovator, IT Change Delivery…

Ambassador UK : Steven Haken Ambassador UK : Steven Haken

United Kingdom
  • Publish Date: 03-June-17

Odelle Technology Market Development, Venture Capital, Medical Technology, New Product Development, R&D and Innovation Strategy, Embedded Systems, Software development, Systems Engineering, Project & Program Management, Corporate M&A.

Odelle Technology Market…

Ambassador "Open Innovation" and "FMCG Innovation" : John van der Linden Ambassador "Open Innovation"…

  • Publish Date: 02-June-17

Global Open Innovation Manager at Procter & Gamble. Authentic & inspirational senior R&D leader, having worked China (12.5 years), USA and Europe. Excellent people & organization developmental skills to passionately grow business through a strong sense of…

Global Open Innovation Manager…

Junction Junction

  • Publish Date: 02-June-17

Junction is a global converging point for thousands of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs from around the world. Last November in Helsinki, we provided the biggest hackathon experience in Europe with almost 1300 participants from 77 different…

Junction is a global…

Startdate: 23-November-17

Enddate: 26-November-17

Digital Magics Digital Magics

  • Publish Date: 02-June-17

Digital Magics offers innovative startups all the support necessary to develop successful projects, from conception to IPO, and joins the Italian companies of excellence with strategic projects and services for the digital transformation and the "Open…

Digital Magics offers…

LuissEnLabs LuissEnLabs

  • Publish Date: 02-June-17

LuissEnLabs is a startup accelerator based in Rome and operated by LVenture Group, a publicly listed venture capital company. They support early-stage disruptive startups through their 5-month acceleration program twice a year. The program provides…

LuissEnLabs is a startup…

Ambassador Romania : Paul Geana Ambassador Romania : Paul…

  • Publish Date: 02-June-17

Business Innovation Manager. Expert in Commercial and Strategic Planning, Business Planning, Innovation and creativity, Idea generating and capturing system, Organizational Culture, Change Management, operations, business development. Expertise in…

Business Innovation Manager.…

Master in Entrepreneurship & Innovation Master in Entrepreneurship &…

  • Publish Date: 01-June-17

This is a program that incorporates the knowledge and management skills necessary for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. It is a way to be differentiated in the market, acquiring fundamental skills and one of the most highly-demanded professional profiles…

This is a program that…


  • Publish Date: 01-June-17

TEAMLABS/ es un centro educativo, un laboratorio de aprendizaje de equipos. La base de su vanguardista metodología nace en Finlandia. Aplica un modelo basado en aprender haciendo y en equipo, Team Academy. TEAMLABS/ trabaja con universitarios. LEINN/…

TEAMLABS/ es un centro…

Barcelona Startup Week 2017 Barcelona Startup Week 2017

  • Publish Date: 01-June-17

Startup Week is a five day celebration of your community. Join your community in a new type of conference that builds momentum and opportunity around entrepreneurship, led by entrepreneurs and hosted in the entrepreneurial spaces you love. Startup Week is…

Startup Week is a five day…

Startdate: 18-September-17

Enddate: 22-September-17


  • Publish Date: 01-June-17

INCUBATOR and CO-WORKING SPACE Impact Hub Donostia pertenece a una red internacional de emprendedores, activistas, creativos y profesionales que compartimos la visión de generar un impacto positivo en la sociedad a través de proyectos colaborativos.…


TREE - Innovation Management Consulting TREE - Innovation Management…

  • Publish Date: 01-June-17

TREE helps companies, startups and people make innovation happen. Offices in Catania, Bologna, Milano, Roma, and Trento. TREE è una PMI innovativa che realizza prodotti e servizi di formazione e innovazione rivolti a imprese ed enti pubblici al fine di…

TREE helps companies, startups…

Cockpit Accelerator Program Cockpit Accelerator Program

  • Publish Date: 31-May-17

Cockpit Accelerator program is a four week intensive start for new business ideas and pre-seed companies. The program takes place in University of Eastern Finland Kuopio campus   19.6.-19.7.2017, and during this time free mentoring and advices are…

Cockpit Accelerator program is…

Centre for Advanced Studies in Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) Centre for Advanced Studies in…

  • Publish Date: 27-May-17

Innovation has received increased attention as a necessary precondition for a competitive work life and high quality in public services. There is a need for more knowledge about innovation processes in organizations, in society, how to manage such…

Innovation has received…

Ålesund Kunnskapspark AS Ålesund Kunnskapspark AS

  • Publish Date: 27-May-17

Ålesund Knowledge Park AS - a key knowledge and innovation hub (ÅKP)  The innovation company Ålesund Knowledge Park AS (ÅKP) was established in 2000 and is owned jointly by private businesses and local authorities. ÅKP has a turnover of NOK 20 million,…

Ålesund Knowledge Park AS - a…

innotown 2017 innotown 2017

  • Publish Date: 27-May-17

This is InnoTown® InnoTown® Innovation Conference:  Over the last 18 years, InnoTown speakers have skilfully entertained our audiences with their unique stories. Their talks contain a rich blend of deeply motivational personal journeys and exceptionally…

This is InnoTown® InnoTown®…

Startdate: 23-May-17

Enddate: 23-May-17

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