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Espoo Innovation Garden Espoo Innovation Garden

  • Publish Date: 17-April-17

The heart of Espoo Innovation Garden is at the Keilaniemi-Otaniemi-Tapiola area, the biggest innovation hub in the Northern Europe.  It is home for e.g. Aalto University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, headquarters of companies like Kone,…

The heart of Espoo Innovation…

Europa in Vlaams-Brabant Europa in Vlaams-Brabant

  • Publish Date: 01-April-17

Europe in the Province of Flemish-Brabant, Belgium Information, Publications, Subsidies and International Collaborations

Europe in the Province of…

European Business & Innovation Centre Network European Business & Innovation…

  • Publish Date: 26-April-17

EBN werd in 1984 vanuit de Europese Commissie opgericht en door diverse private en publieke stakeholders ondersteund. Doel van het initiatief: het stimuleren van het ontstaan – en de groei van nieuwe innovatieve bedrijven en het stimuleren van regionale…

EBN werd in 1984 vanuit de…

European Institute of Innovation & Technology European Institute of…

  • Publish Date: 20-April-17

One of the main added values of the EIT is to integrate the education dimension into the innovation web, as it has often been absent from the more traditional research-business partnerships. The EIT supports the creation of tomorrow’s entrepreneurs and…

One of the main added values…


  • Publish Date: 05-March-17

Exnovate is a non-profit platform for companies and knowledge intensive organizations that are practicing open and collaborative innovation.  In particular, it serves as center of excellence for managing open innovation in different types of…

Exnovate is a non-profit…

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