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  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

We serve forward focused leaders and boards with growth and development through smarter Branding, Innovation and Performance. IAM INNOVATION  Business Development, Strategy and Innovation – help leaders in their efforts to develop new areas of business…

We serve forward focused…

Norway   28-April-17 IAM

Switzerland Innovation Switzerland Innovation

  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

For developing innovative ideas into marketable products, Switzerland Innovation offers domestic and foreign companies the best locations in Switzerland: first-class accessibility, close to universities, suitable for further expansion, and in attractive…

For developing innovative…

Innovation Network Austria Innovation Network Austria

  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

INNA was founded by the VTÖ (Association of Austrian Technology Centres) to have a focal organization on all its business actions. Its purpose is to encourage and help SMEs to start up a business and to foster technology transfer. Its main tasks are:…

INNA was founded by the VTÖ…


  • Publish Date: 26-April-17

Mad in Situ are the designer studios for social and societal innovation of MAD Brussels in the Anneeesens neighbourhood in the centre of Brussels.   MAD in Situ is an 800-sq.m. space with six shared studios, where 10 to 20 designers can work, as well as…

Mad in Situ are the designer…

Chemelot Chemelot

  • Publish Date: 26-April-17

Chemelot is more than just an industrial park. It is a unique chemical and materials community that ensures accelerated business growth through the open exchange of ideas. Chemelot has been planned around one central idea: to bring together the knowledge…

Chemelot is more than just an…

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