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ShiftIN Partners - Innovation Management ShiftIN Partners - Innovation…

United Arab Emirates
  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

Innovation has become important and critical in every organisation. However, many organisations do not know what they should do or where to start. Our quick-cycle Innovation Organisation Audit tool is designed to help your organisation identify where it…

Innovation has become…

Singularity University Singularity University

  • Publish Date: 21-April-17

Hi, We’re Singularity University. We prepare you to seize exponential opportunities. Our mission is to educate, inspire, and empower leaders to apply exponential technologies to address humanity's grand challenges.  Singularity University is a global…

Hi, We’re Singularity…


  • Publish Date: 15-March-17

Sirris is the collective centre for and by the technological industry. We offer Belgian companies three key assets to help them remain innovative: years of experience and comprehensive expertise in a wide range of industries; high-tech testing…

Sirris is the collective…

Belgium   15-March-17 SIRRIS

SIT - Systematic Inventive Thinking SIT - Systematic Inventive…

  • Publish Date: 11-February-17

SIT helps organizations stay on top by developing a culture and practice of innovation. Change is supported in the long-term.    At the core of our work is the idea that all innovations share common patterns. Based on these patterns, we have designed a…

SIT helps organizations stay…


  • Publish Date: 07-May-17

Siva make your business grow. We facilitate innovation by building, owning and developing infrastructure for industry, startups and research environments.  We invest in real estate and commercial property, reducing the risk for new entrants where market…

Siva make your business grow.…

Norway   07-May-17 SIVA

Skystar Ventures Skystar Ventures

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

Skystar Ventures is a tech incubator and coworking space founded by Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) and Kompas Gramedia Group (KGG). We target early stage startups in the Internet, mobile, social, education, and eCommerce sectors. Startups that…

Skystar Ventures is a tech…

Slovenian Centre for Competitiveness and Innovation Slovenian Centre for…

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

Slovenian Centre for Competitiveness and Innovation (SCCI).  SCCI is a special programme run by the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments (JAPTI) financed by the Slovenian Ministry of the Economy.  The…

Slovenian Centre for…

Slush Slush

  • Publish Date: 02-April-17

Slush brings together the leading actors of the global tech scene to Helsinki for something very special. Described by many as “Burning Man meets TED”, the event has grown in just a few short years to 17,500 attendees and 1 million live stream viewers.…

Slush brings together the…

Startdate: 30-November-17

Enddate: 01-December-17

Finland   02-April-17 Slush

Socialatom Socialatom

  • Publish Date: 12-May-17

Socialatom Ventures helps founders grow faster by providing more than just capital and connections.  We combine our seed investments with in-house services that range from recruiting to business development. We place a significant focus on helping…

Socialatom Ventures helps…

Solvay - Innovation and Strategic Management Solvay - Innovation and…

  • Publish Date: 26-February-17

The Advanced Master in Innovation & Strategic Management provides students with the essential tools, skills and mind-set needed to deal with the challenge of organisations in fast-evolving environments. It helps them to develop their ability to analyse…

The Advanced Master in…

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