Slovenian Centre for Competitiveness and Innovation (SCCI).
SCCI is a special programme run by the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments (JAPTI) financed by the Slovenian Ministry of the Economy.
The Slovenian phrase - Imam idejo! - means - I have an idea! -. It’s a call for innovative people. The website Imam idejo! is an interactive tool for innovative users, seeking financial, technical, legal and other support relating to their sophisticated invention or outline scheme.
The website is designed for users, taking into account the problem they face within the innovation process. They will be supplied with information regarding available institutes and the support services they offer relating to the user’s specific problem. In one word, the website is "a one-stop shop" for inventors and a tailor-made problem-solver with a substantial educational component. Currently it is available only in the Slovene language but in the near future we will run it also in English - especially for you.
Verovskova 60 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
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