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Greenbridge Greenbridge

  • Publish Date: 12-February-17

GreenBridge wants to be a sustainable breeding ground for successful technological entrepreneurship. Vision  We only have one world. Our ecological footprint is growing, and traditional energy resources are finite. GreenBridge sees a key role for…

GreenBridge wants to be a…

Belgium   12-February-17 Greenbridge


  • Publish Date: 05-March-17

GreenWin, innovation accelerator in the environmental sector, is one of the 6 Walloon (Belgium) competitive clusters which aims to tackle major technological challenges.  GreenWin supports innovation and promotes the development of collaborative R&D…

GreenWin, innovation…


  • Publish Date: 11-June-17

Gust connects startups with the largest collection of investors across the world.

Gust connects startups with…

Spain   11-June-17 GUST


  • Publish Date: 03-April-17

A digital platform set up in 2005 to help young entrepreneurs launch new initiatives and support the digitalization of Italian companies.

A digital platform set up in…

Italy   03-April-17 H-FARM

Haaga-Helia Entrepreneuship Society Haaga-Helia Entrepreneuship…

  • Publish Date: 31-March-17

HaagaHeliaES is the student-driven startup community based at Haaga-Helia. Our aim is to spread the entrepreneurial mindset among our students.

HaagaHeliaES is the…

Hack Belgium Hack Belgium

  • Publish Date: 06-March-18

Hack Belgium ( is a 3-day festival of entrepreneurial and technological creativity that aims to create new, innovative and ambitious solutions for the massive Challenges we all are facing: future of work, cleaning up the environment,…

Hack Belgium…

Startdate: 26-April-18

Enddate: 28-April-18

Hack Belgium Hack Belgium

  • Publish Date: 08-January-17

A massive hack festival to build a better Belgium. BUILDING BETTER BELGIUM : Our little country keeps puttering along, mostly happy, calm and largely indifferent. But doing ok is no longer good enough in a world where technological change turns industry…

A massive hack festival to…

Startdate: 04-May-17

Enddate: 06-May-17

Hackathon Citizens of Wallonia Hackathon Citizens of Wallonia

  • Publish Date: 07-January-17

Hackathon Citizens of Wallonia

Hackathon Citizens of Wallonia

Startdate: 10-March-17

Enddate: 12-March-17

HackHPI 2017 : Health Tech Hackathon HackHPI 2017 : Health Tech…

  • Publish Date: 10-February-17

What would you do if you could access all the data our bodies are constantly producing? Heart Rate, Steps, Sleep, Weight, Movement, Physical motions - and this is just the beginning. Would you visualize it and support health workers? Would you write…

What would you do if you could…

Startdate: 17-June-17

Enddate: 18-June-17

Hanken Entrepreneurship Society Hanken Entrepreneurship…

  • Publish Date: 31-March-17

Entrepreneurship Society is an entrepreneurial community of students, alumni and friends at Hanken School of Economics. Our goal is to make Hanken the most entrepreneurial university in Finland.

Entrepreneurship Society is an…

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