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Germany admin
10-February-17 239 Hits

Startdate: 17-June-17

Enddate: 18-June-17

What would you do if you could access all the data our bodies are constantly producing? Heart Rate, Steps, Sleep, Weight, Movement, Physical motions - and this is just the beginning. Would you visualize it and support health workers? Would you write algorithms to detect diseases? Sky is the limit - and we can be your launching pad. 

For 24 hours of hacking we will bring students from Berlin, Brandenburg and the rest of the world together in the HPI School of Design Thinking, located on our campus. By providing world class sponsors (including workshops and access to their data and APIs), a tremendous amount of widgets, a great location and plenty of club mate to fuel your brain we will create a space for creativity, inspiring ideas and a passion for trying out new things. 

Interested? Come and share your dedication and skills with others, exchange knowledge and accomplish great things!

August-Bebel-Str. 88 Potsdam Germany

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HackHPI 2017 : Health Tech Hackathon Map

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