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Belgium Leo Exter
06-March-18 616 Hits

Startdate: 26-April-18

Enddate: 28-April-18

Hack Belgium ( is a 3-day festival of entrepreneurial and technological creativity that aims to create new, innovative and ambitious solutions for the massive Challenges we all are facing: future of work, cleaning up the environment, improving health, untangling mobility problems, etc. etc. 

Our first edition in May 2017 brought together over 500 participants + 300 experts + over 100 staff, VIP visitors (including several federal and regional ministers), press and volunteers.  For our second event our ambition is 1000+ participants. 

The event is carried out in collaboration with companies like IBM, FOREM and VDAB (collaborating directly for the first time ever), INFRABEL, ELIA and many others.  We’re also working with national and regional organizations of every kind: from AGORIA and Digital Wallonia to IMEC and VITO and WeLL and  MIC Belgique.

5 Parvis st. Gudule, 1000 Brussels

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