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Netherlands Nino van de Wal
28-April-17 151 Hits

Increasing need for environmental information 

 Geomatics makes an important contribution to the solution of many societal problems, in which environmental information plays a role. 

 In The Netherlands there is a big need for environmental information, in order to ensure high-quality management of the limited space. Geomatics answers this need and plays an important role in the traditional domains of the government, such as coastal, water and soil management, air quality, ecology and the management of (vital) civil infrastructure. 

Geomatics is increasingly employed in business as well, such as precision agriculture, more efficient transportation across sea and land, safer shipping routes, or effective oil exploration. These are but a few of numerous employments that, thanks to geomatics, have become better, more reliable and less expensive. 

On a global level the need for environmental information is increasing rapidly as well. In seeking solutions for global issues, such as global warming, observations of the consequences of climate change are indispensable. Geomatics answers this growing need for environmental information at both a governmental, public and corporate level. 

Opportunities for business:
The geomatics market is mostly a market of innovation. Google Maps and TomTom are successful examples of this. Growth mainly takes place through the introduction of new, innovative products and services, which are usually based on research results. That’s why access to and early participation in multi-disciplinary innovation programmes are important conditions for the success of an enterprise. GBP provides such an environment by incorporating several technology and information providers. 

 The GBP Foundation initiates shared innovation programmes for established organizations: a great springboard to an international market.

Voorsterweg 28, 8316 PT Marknesse

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