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Taiwan Nino van de Wal
26-April-17 251 Hits

We believe that entrepreneurs are mission-driven individuals who take actions to realize their dreams and bring a better life to the society through innovation. 

Why Garage+ 
Founded by Epoch Foundation, a renowned non- profit organization based in Taipei, Taiwan, Garage+ doesn’t just provide a space for incubation but also fosters a thriving startup ecosystem supported by experienced and successful entrepreneurs. 

The vibrant community of Garage+ helps facilitate early-stage startups to build a team, enhance connections, strengthen core values, access fundraising resources and eventually get to the top. Since 2012, 75% of Garage+ teams have received funds from professional investors and have continued to grow business in various industries. 

With the support and sponsorship from major companies in Taiwan including TSMC, Delta Electronic, Quanta Computer, and MediaTek, etc., the Garage+ Campus will expand into a new space (Chia Hsin Building) located in downtown Taipei starting in November, 2014.

9F, 96, Chia Hsin Bldg. (Second Bldg.) Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei, Taiwan

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