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France admin
07-January-17 224 Hits

Startdate: 27-January-17

Enddate: 29-January-17

As it’s well known, the results of PISA have recently appeared. PISA is an international test of the grade levels of 15-year- olds in OECD countries. France is not an exemplary country and it is time that things change! But how? 

This event is organized by the CRI’s data science club. The main goal is to learn to let the data talk over a weekend during a Hackathon on educational data. Indeed most of the OECD data are free to access! 

The EduData Hackathon has 3 main objectives: Take the time to understand public data in education, to become data-litterate citizens. We also want to give educational enthusiasts the basic keys to make the data speak. The results of this Hackathon, if interesting, may nourrish a reflexion within the ministerial report on education that the CRI (Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaires) director, François Taddei, is doing for the minister of education Najat Vallaud-Belkacem.

Tour Montparnasse, 33 Avenue du Maine, 75015 Paris, France

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