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MSc. Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management MSc. Innovation,…

United Kingdom
  • Publish Date: 18-March-17

MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management is an intensive one-year, full-time programme which prepares graduates for a wide spectrum of career opportunities such as launching a new business, developing business start-ups and consulting on innovation. …

MSc Innovation,…

MSc. Global Innovation Management MSc. Global Innovation…

  • Publish Date: 17-March-17

The MSc. in Global Innovation Management (GIM) is a unique 2-year programme offered jointly by the University of Strathclyde (Scotland), Aalborg University (Denmark) and Hamburg University of Technology (Germany) which enables graduates of first degrees…

The MSc. in Global Innovation…

MDP in Innovation Management MDP in Innovation Management

  • Publish Date: 17-March-17

The Master’s Degree Programme in Innovation Management provides students with expertise in initiating and leading change in enterprises and other organisations. Students will learn how to manage projects and processes around product and service design,…

The Master’s Degree Programme…

MAIN - Master in Innovation Management - Trento MAIN - Master in Innovation…

  • Publish Date: 17-March-17

The Master in Innovation Management - MAIN is jointly organized by the University of Trento and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa. We have developed this two-year program in consultation with market leaders and future employers in research, industry…

The Master in Innovation…

University of Bolton - MPhil Innovation University of Bolton - MPhil…

United Kingdom
  • Publish Date: 26-February-17

The MPhil (Innovation) is a unique approach to developing new ideas for potential commercialisation. It has been developed following collaborative work between various faculties specialising in arts, media, education, business and creative technologies…

The MPhil (Innovation) is a…


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