innotown 2017
Norway- Publish Date: 27-May-17
This is InnoTown® InnoTown®…
Startdate: 23-May-17
Enddate: 23-May-17
Innovation has received increased attention as a necessary precondition for a competitive work life and high quality in public services. There is a need for more knowledge about innovation processes in organizations, in society, how to manage such…
Innovation has received…
Ålesund Knowledge Park AS - a key knowledge and innovation hub (ÅKP) The innovation company Ålesund Knowledge Park AS (ÅKP) was established in 2000 and is owned jointly by private businesses and local authorities. ÅKP has a turnover of NOK 20 million,…
Ålesund Knowledge Park AS - a…
This is InnoTown® InnoTown® Innovation Conference: Over the last 18 years, InnoTown speakers have skilfully entertained our audiences with their unique stories. Their talks contain a rich blend of deeply motivational personal journeys and exceptionally…
This is InnoTown® InnoTown®…
Startdate: 23-May-17
Enddate: 23-May-17
Master of Innovation at Lillehammer University College The degree programme provides knowledge about the development of enterprises and businesses. How do new enterprises spring up? What is the hallmark of entrepreneurship and innovation? What industries…
Master of Innovation at…
Norwegian Innovation Clusters is a government supported cluster program. The program aims to trigger and enhance collaborative development activities in clusters. The goal is to increase the cluster dynamics and attractiveness, the individual company's…
Norwegian Innovation Clusters…
Europe - Norway