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Fab Lab Adelaide Fab Lab Adelaide

  • Publish Date: 10-May-17

Fab Lab Adelaide is a volunteer run, digital fabrication workshop and home to a diverse community of people with a passion for making things, and who want to share that passion with others.  First established in 2012 by the Australian Network for Art &…

Fab Lab Adelaide is a…

TechInSA TechInSA

  • Publish Date: 10-May-17

TechInSA is a South Australian State Government agency working with SA based companies to commercialise their technology.  TechInSA works closely with the high-tech industry to bring innovative South Australian products and technologies to global…

TechInSA is a South Australian…


  • Publish Date: 08-May-17

INNOMAG is Norway’s leading independent digital Innovation magazine.  Our aim is to create the preferred meetingpoint for Norwegian changemakers in search of inspiration, innovation and insight. The site was launched 12.12.2012 as, and relaunched…

INNOMAG is Norway’s leading…

Designdrevet innovasjonsprogram (DIP) - DOGA - Norway Designdrevet…

  • Publish Date: 08-May-17

DOGA is a driving force for sustainable value creation through design and architecture. We facilitate collaboration between practitioners and businesses, and work to strengthen design and architecture's role in the design of tomorrow's Norway.

DOGA is a driving force for…

CSI - Center for Service Innovation CSI - Center for Service…

  • Publish Date: 08-May-17

CSI is a coordinated effort by the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) to focus on the innovation challenges facing the service sector.  CSI is one of the 38 Norwegian Centers for Researched-based innovation, Sentre for forskningsdrevet innovasjon (SFI),…

CSI is a coordinated effort by…

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