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YES!Delft YES!Delft

  • Publish Date: 03-May-17

YES!Delft helps entrepreneurs to build and grow leading technology companies Our programs turn promising technology ideas and teams into solid startups and grow them to successful companies. YES!Delft offers guidance and support to graduates, scientists,…

YES!Delft helps entrepreneurs…

ZorgInc ZorgInc

  • Publish Date: 03-May-17

We believe that entrepreneurship in Digital Health contributes to affordable and accessible high-quality care. Therefore, zorgInc. activities focus on the up-scaling of startups through sharing knowledge, experiences, and networks, and building bridges…

We believe that…

Holland Food Ventures Holland Food Ventures

  • Publish Date: 03-May-17

Holland Food Ventures (HFV) invests in entrepreneurs and companies in the food industry that want to bring new and innovative technologies/products to the markets. HFV could be your catalyst for successful market entry.

Holland Food Ventures (HFV)…

New Energy Docks New Energy Docks

  • Publish Date: 02-May-17

New Energy Docks is an active community of practice that markets sustainable solutions. Products and services that enable other companies, institutions and individuals to shape their way of working and life more sustainable. Not only by selling those…

New Energy Docks is an active…

Pivot Park Pivot Park

  • Publish Date: 02-May-17

Pivot Park offers companies a high-end pharma R&D infrastructure, which provides the opportunity to accelerate, grow and excel in development of new medicines. When working at Pivot Park you’re automatically part of an active, innovative pharma R&D…

Pivot Park offers companies a…

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