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Massachusetts admin
20-April-17 53 Hits

Founded in 2009, the Global Innovation Management Institute, GIM Institute or GIMI (pronounced as \ˈji-mē\) in short, is the global nonprofit standard certification board for innovation and innovation management. GIM Institute was initiated by a group of chief innovation officers, innovation executives, academics and consultants from around the world. GIM Institute’s worldwide advocacy for making innovation a professional business discipline is reinforced by our globally recognized standards and certification program, extensive academic programs, communities of practice, and professional development opportunities. 

Over 200 Fortune 500 companies have participated in developing competencies in innovation based on the innovation frameworks and processes of GIM Institute. Companies such as Johnson Controls, Cigna, Natura, Verizon, EmiratesNBD, BAE Systems, Bunge, P&G, Eastman Chemical, Alibaba and many others around the world have been trained. Additionally, over 10,000 MBA students worldwide have developed mastery of innovation through the structured courses and manuals of GIM Institute. We have delivered innovation training at top MBA universities such as Yonsei University, Rotman School of Management, Singapore Management University, Thunderbird School of Global Management and Hult International Business School. 

The innovation frameworks are developed, approved and endorsed by innovation experts, leading management consulting firms, academia and industry practitioners. Four levels of mastery certificates are available.

110 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA, USA 02141

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