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Sweden admin
26-January-17 150 Hits

Startdate: 17-May-17

Enddate: 19-May-17

Some say Sweden has become the poster child of European Innovation. And behind Silicon Valley, Stockholm is the second most prolific tech hub in the world on a per capita basis. So, where else to host the next Intrapreneurship Conference? 

You’ll be immersed into the best and latest of the corporate innovation field, leaving you with practical ideas to further improve your innovation engine. You’ll meet peers from leading brands all over the world, all in similar roles, chasing similar objectives and facing similar challenges. 

Join the global intrapreneurship community for 3 days of learning and networking during Intrapreneurship Conference #9 in Stockholm, 17-19 May 2017. 

If you’re serious about intrapreneurship, you can’t miss this one… This is your tribe!

Stockholm City Convention Center, Stockholm, Sweden

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