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Digital Magics Digital Magics

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

Digital Magics is an incubator of digital projects that provides consultation and acceleration services for startups and companies, in order to facilitate the development of new technological businesses.  Founded by Enrico Gasperini, Alberto Fioravanti –…

Digital Magics is an incubator…

Skystar Ventures Skystar Ventures

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

Skystar Ventures is a tech incubator and coworking space founded by Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) and Kompas Gramedia Group (KGG). We target early stage startups in the Internet, mobile, social, education, and eCommerce sectors. Startups that…

Skystar Ventures is a tech…

Kolaborasi Kolaborasi

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

Startup Incubation Program in Bandung Indonesia. It all started from a (literally) small garage in October 2013. Four entrepreneurs sitting blankly thinking what to do next after their previous startup failed. That day, they decide to use “startup” as a…

Startup Incubation Program in…

CKS - Center for Knowledge Societies CKS - Center for Knowledge…

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

CKS is an innovation consulting practice that employs user-centered research and design methodologies, including ethnography, design analysis, and user experience, to help organizations systematically and routinely create products, services, and systems. …

CKS is an innovation…

ideaspace ideaspace

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting innovation, technology development, and entrepreneurship as a path to nation building. We help budding technology entrepreneurs and develop ground breaking innovations and transform these into…

We are a non-profit…

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