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Italy admin
30-April-17 184 Hits

Digital Magics is an incubator of digital projects that provides consultation and acceleration services for startups and companies, in order to facilitate the development of new technological businesses. 

Founded by Enrico Gasperini, Alberto Fioravanti – among the first Web entrepreneurs in Italy – Gabriele Ronchini and Bibop G. Gresta, all professionals with extensive experience in the digital market. 

In July 2013 Digital Magics makes its debut on AIM Italia – Alternative Capital Market dedicated to Italian SMEs with high growth potential, organised and managed by the Italian Stock Exchange (symbol: DM). 

Digital Magics is a business incubator: it builds and develops digital businesses, by working alongside the founders of the startups and by providing acceleration services. Therefore it supports the startups to create successful projects, from conception to IPO. 

It offers strategic support and services for the digital transformation and Open Innovation of Italian companies. Complementary services are the investment activities, which have produced over the years a portfolio of over 70 investments in startups, scaleups and digital spinoffs with high growth rates.

ia B. Quaranta, 40 – 20139 Milan, Italy

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