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Netherlands Nino van de Wal
27-February-17 139 Hits

FLIGHTMAP provides centralized and comprehensive management of project portfolios, and is used by project managers, project management offices (PMOs) and executives to analyze and collectively manage current or proposed projects based on goals, objectives and strategy.

FLIGHTMAP is delivered as a service (SaaS). This makes your FLIGHTMAP implementation easy to access, easy to configure, easy to upgrade, and easy to integrate. FLIGHTMAP is deployed in an agile iterative manner in these steps: your environment is created, then configured to your process needs, and (optionally) loaded with existing data from other systems and spreadsheets (see FlightHub).

Science Park Eindhoven 5644 5692 EN, Son

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Dialogues Technology

Business innovation by using innovative technologies, by doing smart development based on our own Agile Scrum methodology called "Dialogues Scrum".   With our methodology clients keep focus on business value during the development process. Thats why we… Netherlands

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