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We aspire to help determined students meet new people. We provide a platform for university students full of ideas who need help for driving those ideas forward. We are also here to support entrepreneurial students in their daily lives by providing them… Finland
Innovation Roundtable
Innovation Roundtable® facilitates connections between innovation managers, in a setting where they can learn about best practices from executive speakers, discuss selected innovation topics, and share experiences with peers. Our network and events are… Global
Magda Ropotan
I believe in people, in the power of putting together their beautiful minds, in the learning gained from building deep empathy with the customer and understanding their world and the changes around. When given focus, structure and trust, innovation… Romania
MetropoliaES - Entrepreneurship Society
Metropolia Entrepreneurship Society is a student driven organisation that aspires to promote, support and generate Metropolia student and alumni entrepreneurship. We welcome all entrepreneurial and entrepreneur students and alumni to our events and join… Finland