This blog is part of consulting and training company Idea Champions. The blog, which also spotlights books and tools related to innovation, features posts from a variety of contributors. However, all post have one thing in common: they are dedicated to awake and nurture the spirit of innovation!
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Fast Company CoExist
A daily dose of the latest world changing ideas and innovations in your industry. Fast Company is a leading business media brand, with a focus on innovation in technology, leadership and design. Written for and by business leaders, posts inspire readers… Global
Innovation Insights by Stephen Shapiro
Stephen's articles help you to make yourself a better innovator. He is a tenured innovation consultant who shares his insights on his blog that are sometimes inspirational, sometimes informative, sometimes personal; but always interesting. Twitter: … Global
Innovation in Practice.
Focused around the “Inside the Box” methodology for leading and thereby improving creativity in teams and organisations. This blog beliefs that "Innovation is not about products and services. It’s about people." Twitter: Global
Innovation Excellence
The number 1 innovation blog with specific focus on about innovation and management. As this website is the virtual home of some of the worlds' innovation experts, several posts are published each day. However, there may be questions raised about how… Global
Management Issues
Although this website publishes articles on a wide variety of management topics, its specific focus on "management in the fast-changing world of work" makes its content highly relevant to innovation managers in junior to middle management positions.… Global