Stephen's articles help you to make yourself a better innovator. He is a tenured innovation consultant who shares his insights on his blog that are sometimes inspirational, sometimes informative, sometimes personal; but always interesting.
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The Heart of Innovation
This blog is part of consulting and training company Idea Champions. The blog, which also spotlights books and tools related to innovation, features posts from a variety of contributors. However, all post have one thing in common: they are dedicated to… Global
Board of Innovation
Innovation experiences, best practices, new tools and usefull tips & tricks shared by consultants who help large companies to innovate like startups and to develop sustainable new revenue streams. Twitter: Global
Integrative Innovation
Written by Dr. Ralph-Christian Ohr, who has extensive experience in product/innovation management for international technology-based companies, this blog is targeted at the intersection of technology and innovation. Frequently, posts exists of insights… Global
Idea to Value by Nick Skillicorn
Nick covers a variety of topics between innovation and creativity, with a heavy emphasis on research, evidence and making innovation really happen. He used to write his articles on the website of his innovation consultancy firm… Global
As the name suggest, a popular blog on innovation management which originally was in Swedish. Fortunately, everything is in English these days which results in high-qulity, detailed, long-form articles from various innovation experts (many of whom have… Global