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Poznan University - Innovation Management Poznan University - Innovation…

  • Publish Date: 26-February-17

Innovation management is an area within the discipline of management, which has been developing very dynamically over the years. Issues of economic innovation have become an integral part of business activity and are expressed not only by the search for…

Innovation management is an…

Master in Design Led Innovation Master in Design Led…

  • Publish Date: 26-February-17

The Design-Led Innovation program is designed as a better alternative compared to an MBA and is focused on the implementation of design practices as a management capability that drives innovation and business model design in organizations. It is an…

The Design-Led Innovation…

Solvay - Innovation and Strategic Management Solvay - Innovation and…

  • Publish Date: 26-February-17

The Advanced Master in Innovation & Strategic Management provides students with the essential tools, skills and mind-set needed to deal with the challenge of organisations in fast-evolving environments. It helps them to develop their ability to analyse…

The Advanced Master in…

Innovatiecentrum Oost-Vlaanderen Innovatiecentrum…

  • Publish Date: 26-February-17

De vijf Innovatiecentra in Vlaanderen vormen ieder een lokaal aanspreekpunt voor bedrijven rond innovatie. We bieden individuele ondersteuning bij jouw innovatieproject.  Dat doen we in de eerste plaats door je te begeleiden naar geld voor innovaties en…

De vijf Innovatiecentra in…

VLAIO Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen VLAIO Agentschap Innoveren &…

  • Publish Date: 26-February-17

Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship  Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (in Dutch: Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen) is a government agency, charged with implementing the economic, innovation and enterprise policy in Flanders, the Dutch speaking…

Flanders Innovation &…


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