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  • Publish Date: 11-May-17

StartUp Greece is a digital information and networking space aimed at giving way to a new generation of entrepreneurs in Greece, bringing together people and ideas and changing the country's perception of doing business and entrepreneurship.

StartUp Greece is a digital…

Corallia, Inspiring Innovation, Driving Excellence Corallia, Inspiring…

  • Publish Date: 11-May-17

Corallia's vision is "Α Greek environment with the right framework conditions to allow sciences, innovation and entrepreneurship to flourish (again)".

Corallia's vision is "Α Greek…

IQbility IQbility

  • Publish Date: 11-May-17

IQbility is an initiative of Quest, a Group of Companies active in the Information Technology, Renewable Energy and Parcel Delivery fields.   Our Dream is to bridge local entrepreneurial talent with our established resources to achieve amazing global…

IQbility is an initiative of…

Thermi Group Thermi Group

  • Publish Date: 11-May-17

The largest business incubator in Thessaloniki that invests in emerging technologies. THERMI S.A. invests since 2004 in advanced technologies and innovative products of new technologically innovative companies, in cooperation with Greek of foreign…

The largest business incubator…

Patras Science Park Patras Science Park

  • Publish Date: 11-May-17

Patras Science Park (PSP) is one of the six Science and Technology Parks (STPs) established in Greece back in the early 90s under the auspices of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT). An initiative of the Foundation for Research and…

Patras Science Park (PSP) is…


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