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Centre for Advanced Studies in Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) Centre for Advanced Studies in…

  • Publish Date: 27-May-17

Innovation has received increased attention as a necessary precondition for a competitive work life and high quality in public services. There is a need for more knowledge about innovation processes in organizations, in society, how to manage such…

Innovation has received…

Ålesund Kunnskapspark AS Ålesund Kunnskapspark AS

  • Publish Date: 27-May-17

Ålesund Knowledge Park AS - a key knowledge and innovation hub (ÅKP)  The innovation company Ålesund Knowledge Park AS (ÅKP) was established in 2000 and is owned jointly by private businesses and local authorities. ÅKP has a turnover of NOK 20 million,…

Ålesund Knowledge Park AS - a…

Master of Innovation Master of Innovation

  • Publish Date: 26-May-17

Master of Innovation at Lillehammer University College The degree programme provides knowledge about the development of enterprises and businesses. How do new enterprises spring up? What is the hallmark of entrepreneurship and innovation? What industries…

Master of Innovation at…

Norwegian Innovation Clusters Norwegian Innovation Clusters

  • Publish Date: 26-May-17

Norwegian Innovation Clusters is a government supported cluster program. The program aims to trigger and enhance collaborative development activities in clusters. The goal is to increase the cluster dynamics and attractiveness, the individual company's…

Norwegian Innovation Clusters…

Startup Lab Startup Lab

  • Publish Date: 26-May-17

The team at StartupLab consist of experienced entre- and intrapreneurs, investors and business developers set out to help tech founders in an early stage.  We give early stage, high potential tech startups access to mentorship, customers, capital and…

The team at StartupLab consist…

Designdrevet innovasjonsprogram (DIP) - DOGA - Norway Designdrevet…

  • Publish Date: 08-May-17

DOGA is a driving force for sustainable value creation through design and architecture. We facilitate collaboration between practitioners and businesses, and work to strengthen design and architecture's role in the design of tomorrow's Norway.

DOGA is a driving force for…

CSI - Center for Service Innovation CSI - Center for Service…

  • Publish Date: 08-May-17

CSI is a coordinated effort by the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) to focus on the innovation challenges facing the service sector.  CSI is one of the 38 Norwegian Centers for Researched-based innovation, Sentre for forskningsdrevet innovasjon (SFI),…

CSI is a coordinated effort by…


  • Publish Date: 07-May-17

Siva make your business grow. We facilitate innovation by building, owning and developing infrastructure for industry, startups and research environments.  We invest in real estate and commercial property, reducing the risk for new entrants where market…

Siva make your business grow.…

Norway   07-May-17 SIVA

Validé - Stavanger Norway Validé - Stavanger Norway

  • Publish Date: 07-May-17

Validé builds on the successful history and portfolio of its predecessors, and combines technology transfer, incubation and investment functions.  Early stage facilitation  Validé fully facilitates innovation projects from the early R&D phase until…

Validé builds on the…

The Research Council of Norway The Research Council of Norway

  • Publish Date: 05-May-17

The Research Council of Norway serves as the chief advisory body for the government authorities on research policy issues, and distributes roughly NOK nine billion to research and innovation activities each year. The Research Council works to promote…

The Research Council of Norway…

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