In the Master of Global Innovation Management program, students:
• Gain a Global Perspective
• Learn to Lead Innovation
• Get Real Company Experience
The MGIM program will equip you with the core business management skills, global exposure and practical on-the-ground experience you’ll need to make a positive impact in business and innovation management.
Employers want technically trained graduates who have global experience, an unconventional perspective, and the ability to make an immediate, positive impact on their organizations. The MGIM degree is your competitive advantage in the global job market.
2 Degrees, 1 Year
The Master of Global Innovation Management (MGIM) is a global dual degree jointly delivered by the Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management – IAE, part of Aix Marseille University (France) and Poole College of Management – Jenkins Graduate School– North Carolina State University – NCSU (USA). The scope of this global program is broadened thanks to the collaboration of the School of Management of Zhejiang University – ZJU (China).
Jenkins Graduate School of Management, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, US
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