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Sweden admin
04-June-17 242 Hits

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

The master’s programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management is designed to give students a focused, relevant and utilisable body of knowledge in this diverse and modern field. The programme is ideally suited for people with an interest in starting and managing innovative projects or new economic endeavours.

The teaching strives to engage students by combining the more theoretical aspects of the field with a self-defined innovation project. This combination of practical skills and theoretical enhancement informs the programme as a whole, and strives to create a meaningful, well-rounded education that can help the participants realise their career potential.The final degree project ties the programme together in its entirety, and give students a chance to develop a project within the framework of an academic exam either an academic project or in collaboration with a company.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 Stockholm Sweden

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