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Denmark admin
13-May-17 227 Hits

Systematic innovation that creates change and measurable results

Tangible Innovation 
Results With us on board on your innovation project, we guarantee that you will get results – because we have 20+ years of experience, and because our methods are systematic, structured, and rooted in the latest innovation knowledge.

Passionate Innovation Events 
We design and facilitate innovation in seminars, workshops, or conferences, to generate lots of ideas through systematic ideation sessions, or to discuss innovation challenges in small or large groups.

Leveraged Innovation Knowledge 
We deliver the latest and most relevant innovation knowledge, through keynote speeches or innovation training. With the latest insights and the best innovation tools and processes, you increase the odds for innovation success.

Certified Facilitator for the FORTH Innovation Methodology

Klausdalsbrovej 601 2750 Ballerup, Denmark

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Finn Kollerup Tangible Innovation Map

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