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  • Publish Date: 27-January-18

AISCON; Africa’s Information Security Conference - is organized by Zuoix, an information security company based in Limbe, Cameroon (, zixtech Organization IT based , Consulting , Training and Social Enterprise (Zixtech Organization) and…

AISCON; Africa’s Information…

Startdate: 28-October-17

Enddate: 28-October-17

Cameroon   27-January-18 AISCON

Mick De Valck Mick De Valck

  • Publish Date: 05-January-18

Currently Algemeen Directeur (VP) Technology&Operations at VRT, the Flemish public service media organisation in Belgium.  Passionate about improving the agility of organisations with a strong return on society, helping them to remain relevant and…

Currently Algemeen Directeur…

Tinkerlist Tinkerlist

  • Publish Date: 04-January-18

Ondanks grote technologische vooruitgangen in het televisielandschap, zoals HD, 4K en 8K, zijn er nog steeds geen innovatieve en geïntegreerde tools die televisieproductieteams ondersteunen in content creatie en workflow management. Tinkerlist brengt de…

Ondanks grote technologische…

Belgium   04-January-18 Tinkerlist

TradeStation SandBox TradeStation SandBox

  • Publish Date: 03-January-18

Sandbox is TradeStation Technologies’ fintech accelerator program focused on driving strategic innovation through the rapid development of knowledge, technology and capabilities.  We seek to identify compelling ideas we believe will create value for…

Sandbox is TradeStation…

spott spott

  • Publish Date: 03-January-18

Spott allows you to find products in the things you watch. Spott for Business Spott offers you live data around the clock about the users who are watching and interacting with your content on every single screen and allows you to immediately convert them…

Spott allows you to find…

Belgium   03-January-18 spott


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