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South Africa admin
28-April-17 157 Hits

SARIMA is a membership organisation of Research and Innovation Managers that operates at an institutional, national and international level, as well as across the value chain, from research through to successful innovation (commercialization). The purpose of the association is to promote research and innovation management for the benefit of southern Africa. SARIMA is engaged on an annual basis with a large number of research and innovation management professionalization activities, including capacity development courses and other interventions. SARIMA manages a cohort of Southern African Development community (SADC) focal points to promote research and innovation management in collaboration with the South African Department of Science and Technology. It furthermore manages and co-ordinates a growing portfolio of multilateral programmes and projects in support of the SARIMA mandate and for the benefit of its members and stakeholders. 

The Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) is a stakeholder organisation that provides a platform for the promotion and facilitation of best practice in research and innovation management in Southern Africa. Our purpose is to strengthen the research and innovation system to ensure the social and economic development of the Southern African region.

CSIR Campus Meiring Naude Road Brummeria Pretoria 0002, South Africa

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