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IncubaThor IncubaThor

  • Publish Date: 12-February-17

Thor is a global development project through which the former mine site of Waterschei is transformed into a hotspot for technology, energy and innovation  Thor is a state-of-the-art technology park of 93 ha with international exposure, where the city of…

Thor is a global development…

Belgium   12-February-17 IncubaThor

INNOTEK - Technologiehuizen INNOTEK - Technologiehuizen

  • Publish Date: 12-February-17

Innotek supports and assists new business initiatives and offers flexible office and laboratory space to start-ups. With these activities Innotek aims to contribute to the creation of additional employment in Flanders.  In addition to the exploitation of…

Innotek supports and assists…

The Studios - HOWEST The Studios - HOWEST

  • Publish Date: 12-February-17

Ready to start up a business?  The Studios at Howest in Kortrijk might just be the attractive and affordable launching pad you need to get your business going! The Studios is a business accelerator for companies specialized in new media. We create a mix…

Ready to start up a business? …

Greenbridge Greenbridge

  • Publish Date: 12-February-17

GreenBridge wants to be a sustainable breeding ground for successful technological entrepreneurship. Vision  We only have one world. Our ecological footprint is growing, and traditional energy resources are finite. GreenBridge sees a key role for…

GreenBridge wants to be a…

Belgium   12-February-17 Greenbridge

IMP Innovative Management Partner IMP Innovative Management…

  • Publish Date: 11-February-17

Our work is primarily focused on the assessment and continued development of existing models of business logic, with the objective being uniqueness, coherence and sustainability based on empirically supported criteria. Our service portfolio of course…

Our work is primarily focused…

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