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IMES 2017 - Prague IMES 2017 - Prague

  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

IMES Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability IMES 2017 takes place on May 25-26, 2017 at the University of Economics, Prague. The conference is organised by the Department of Entrepreneurship of the University of Economics, Prague,…

IMES Innovation Management,…

Startdate: 25-May-17

Enddate: 26-May-17

Knowledge for growth Knowledge for growth

  • Publish Date: 20-April-17

Knowledge for Growth is Europe’s finest life sciences conference, taking place on May 18th, 2017 in Ghent, Belgium.   This high-level networking event attracts decision makers from biotech, pharma and medtech as well as investors, universities, topnotch…

Knowledge for Growth is…

Startdate: 18-May-17

Enddate: 18-May-17

ISRII Scientific Meeting ISRII Scientific Meeting

  • Publish Date: 20-April-17

Making e/mHealth Impactful in People's Lives. The International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), founded in 2004, promotes the scientific study of information and communication technologies targeting behavioral, psychosocial,…

Making e/mHealth Impactful in…

Startdate: 12-October-17

Enddate: 14-October-17

EYnovation Bootcamp Vision2Value EYnovation Bootcamp…

  • Publish Date: 14-April-17

How to grow while staying true to your vision and values  The Vision2Value EYnovation bootcamp offers start- and scale-ups a hands-on methodology as well as a learning and sharing platform to integrate commitments linked to your vision into your business…

How to grow while staying true…

Startdate: 03-May-17

Enddate: 21-June-17

Industry Summit Industry Summit

  • Publish Date: 11-April-17

The biggest Industry & Cleantech seminar event of the Arctic Europe Explore Arctic attitude in doing business in Industry Summit 2017 organized in October for the 6th time in Oulu, the capital of Northern Scandinavia. The event is organized at the Oulu…

The biggest Industry &…

Startdate: 05-October-17

Enddate: 06-October-17

Shift Shift

  • Publish Date: 02-April-17

THE THEME FOR SHIFT 2017 IS "COLLABORATION" This year we have two amazing program tracks:  1. HUMAN & MACHINE Technology has allowed us to leapfrog evolution, enabling our brains and bodies to do things that were otherwise impossible before. As the…


Startdate: 31-May-17

Enddate: 01-June-17

Finland   02-April-17 Shift

Slush Slush

  • Publish Date: 02-April-17

Slush brings together the leading actors of the global tech scene to Helsinki for something very special. Described by many as “Burning Man meets TED”, the event has grown in just a few short years to 17,500 attendees and 1 million live stream viewers.…

Slush brings together the…

Startdate: 30-November-17

Enddate: 01-December-17

Finland   02-April-17 Slush

Ultrahack Sprint 1 Ultrahack Sprint 1

  • Publish Date: 02-April-17

What is it about: Through multidisciplinary cooperation teams compete to progress in the given timeframe and, especially with ours, the progress is what is taken into consideration as the judging criteria. Through our support with provided software, tech…

What is it about: Through…

Startdate: 21-April-17

Enddate: 23-April-17

ClimateLaunchPad ClimateLaunchPad

  • Publish Date: 02-April-17

The ClimateLaunchPad competition aims to accelerate innovation that enables a low-carbon future. The competition scouts cleantech talent and helps them grow their sustainable idea into a global business. By looking for the world's best sustainability…

The ClimateLaunchPad…

Startdate: 20-April-17

Enddate: 30-June-17

Boostcamp Business Model Innovation Boostcamp Business Model…

  • Publish Date: 01-April-17

Boostcamp Business Model Innovation

Boostcamp Business Model…

Startdate: 14-May-17

Enddate: 17-May-17


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