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Austria Natalia Ostrovskaia
05-June-17 171 Hits

INiTS accelerates innovative start-ups on the road to success and helps start-ups to turn their ideas into a successful company. In its intensive incubation program, INiTS provides the start-ups with hands-on support, access to capital and the INiTS network, as well as the provision of office space. INiTS is also a valuable partner for investors and established companies in the cooperation with start-ups. 

In November 2015, INITS was included in the ranking of the "Global Top 10" university incubators by the Swedish research initiative UBI Global and occupies the world's 7th place as well as the third place in Europe.

Maria-Jacobi-Gasse 1, Media Quarter Marx 3.2, 1st floor 1030 Wien, Austria

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